Seeing justice in your neighborhood ft. Kit Danley

Episode Summary

As we’ve been in this 3rd season of the podcast, we’ve had the indelible privilege of speaking to people who have been at the center of justice and peace activity, both in their life personally, as an application of biblical instruction, but also in their city…and fort us here, they’ve been active and at the center of justice and peace in our city, making the kind of difference that for our guest today, has spanned generations. Neighborhood Ministries is a pillar in downtown Phoenix. Located just on the other side of the tracks, Neighborhood has been at the forefront, demonstrating God’s heart for the poor, the marginalized…and the immigrant. Established now 40 years ago this year by founder & president, Kit Danley, Neighborhood Ministries, has become a refuge for so many and continues to bring life, justice and peace to an area that was often faced with death, injustice and chaos. In this episode, Kit graciously dialogues with myself, John and Vermon about how to see justice, both in neighborhoods and for local communities here, but also for those abroad who, for many reasons, now find themselves here. We're reminded that God’s heart is for them all, and in prophetic style, Kit has demonstrated that to our city, and explains to us today, just how much.