Justice > Church Attendance ft. Darryl Williamson

Episode Summary

For reasons beyond our understanding, "social justice" has become a term of derision, often cast away as an unclean things that must be kept separate. However, when we read about the life and behaviors of Jesus—and pay close attention to His words—we quickly realize that those who would attempt to distance justice in the social sphere away from the heart of the gospel, may well be distancing themselves from the heart of God. In this episode of the Unsilent Church, Darryl Williamson drops this bomb along with many many others as it pertains to a Biblical theology of justice. If you've found yourself in a conversation with someone who believes the answer to injustice is to simply "preach the gospel," this is an episode to enlighten us all to a clearer understanding of grace, justice and God's heart for his people to act accordingly.